$DEXED Airdrop
Q4 2024


10% of the total supply of $DEXED will be airdropped in Q4 2024, Get your referral links, collect points & secure your share of the $DEXED airdrop

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Top wallet estimated airdrop value
Time left : ≅ 196 days left

Exciting news for all early supporters of! We're thrilled to announce our upcoming airdrop, scheduled for the end of this year.

What is the airdrop? The $DEXED airdrop rewards our early community members for their support. By referring new users to the platform, you earn points, the more points you earn the more $DEXED tokens you will be able to claim during the airdrop.

How does it work? For every new user you refer to, you earn points. The more points you accumulate by the end of Q4 2024, the more $DEXED tokens you'll be eligible to claim. To participate, you need to have an active wallet holding at least 10,000 $DEXED or any other ETH tokens worth more than 0.1 ETH. This requirement is the same for the people you invite in order for them to be counted as your active referred users..

How do I earn more points? Holding $DEXED tokens increases the points you earn for each referral. There are three tiers based on the number of $DEXED tokens you hold:

  • 100,000
    2 points
    per referral
  • 200,000
    4 points
    per referral
  • 300,000
    6 points
    per referral

Why participate? Participating in the airdrop not only rewards you for your support but also helps grow the community. By recommending and holding $DEXED tokens, you contribute to our platform's success and attract more users, ultimately benefiting all $DEXED holders.

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Points earned


Estimated value
  • Wallet:
  • Twitter:
  • My $DEXED: 0 $DEXED
  • My ETH: 0 ETH
Your point allocation details
Action Date Info Your $DEXED holdings Multiplier Points earned